The Science of Zelltex™
Adult pluripotent stem cells are only found in the placenta and have a unique role for the human body. They are pure potential, with no tissue-specific characteristics.
They can become the stem cells of any tissue in the body. Going back thousands of years throughout history, a minority of healers have stumbled onto the power of stem cells, without knowing what they were.
They have used extracts from either the placenta or the umbilical cord to create remarkable results. Some have even discovered these benefits are tissue-specific, not species-specific.
Those unique characteristics were illustrated by the well-documented work of Dr. JeanBaptiste Denys, in 1667, when he transfused the blood of a lamb to a young, dying man, who then survived and prospered.
The success of the first recorded blood transfusion from animal to human started the trend of these procedures in Europe, and later, the Americas.
In the modern era, it was the Soviets, and particularly their sports scientists, who grasped the true potential of this natural resource. The astonishing national sports successes they achieved were almost entirely based on the use of stem cells.
More recently, Western science has made rapid progress with stem cell medicine. Today, that progress is accelerating almost monthly, as one breakthrough after another is published in the journals and then broadcast to the press.
All of us are waking up to the fact that medicine could be totally transformed in a generation by the application of these new discoveries. Instead of organ transplants, we can expect patients to grow new organs.
In place of prosthetics, they could even grow new limbs. Therefore,it is now extremely important to investigate the method of preparation of ‘stem cell transplants’ to be utilized in your treatment protocol, which clearly has not been done in the U.S.
Let’s analyze what options doctors in the US have when they decide to use stem cell treatments in their offices.
Stem cell auto-transplantation, the therapeutic use of a patient’s own stem cells, tissues, etc., has been introduced into clinical practice only recently. Adult autologous stem cell transplantation has been popularized by the media as ‘miraculous treatment’ for one simple reason.
As it is a re-implantation of a patient's own cells, the regulatory organizations worldwide have no right to interfere. Besides that, no immune response will take place after auto-transplantation.
Adult organisms contain necessary quantities of stem cells, without which the regeneration and continuation of life would not be possible. The problem with this therapeutic method has been '''its limited usefulness and minimal effectiveness.'''
Beware that adult autologous stem cells are as old as the patient is, and thus their biological potential is limited. For example, if you are 64 years old, your stem cells are also 64 years old.
Their therapeutic effectiveness is incomparably lower than that of stem cells of a placenta that are only a few minutes old. Adult stem cells from the placenta are nature’s way of giving us the ability to start afresh, using young, undifferentiated cells to create whatever is needed.
Amniotic fluid collected after Cesarean sections -
All the US companies producing “stem cell” ampoules for injection are using collected amniotic fluid from the floors of the Operational Rooms after Cesarean sections.
In order to claim the cells are “fresh,” they cannot sterilize the collected material, as instructed by the FDA (sterilized cells are dead; non-sterilized are compromised).
Consequently, the doctor is getting ampoules that are already infected. It is such a big problem that the FDA sends warning letters to all companies preparing human amniotic fluid transplant.
Doctors who choose to use human amniotic fluid transplant for injections are unable to guarantee the sterility of the transplant material.
Stem Cells of Animal Origin -
If someone shows you a vial with frozen cells of animal origin, either from a horse or a deer or a cow or a sheep, ask whether these stem cells are primitively ‘flash frozen’ or ''frozen by a cryo-expert using an appropriate cryo-preservative cocktail'' like Zelltex™.
The survival of active cells not frozen correctly is minimal, and the damage is multiplied if improper defrosting/thawing of cells is used, resulting in 95% of the cells being nonactive at the time of implantation.
Therapeutic use of stem cell transplants of animal origin in 70+ million patients over the last 80 years has accumulated sufficient data to prove that stem cell xenotransplantation (transplanting organs or tissues between members of different species) is not dangerous to an individual patient or to mankind.
Stem cells of animal origin are equally effective, and safer, than those of human origin for stem cell transplantation treatment. They also eliminate all troubles associated with human stem cells (i.e. moral, ethical, religious, etc.).
‘Res ipsa loquitur’ (‘matters speak for themselves’). There is no real difference between xeno-transplantation and allo-transplantation (transplanting organs or tissues between members of the same species) in clinical effectiveness.
The significance of this is that applicable tissue can be used from either the same species or a different species, and the clinical effectiveness of either is equal.
This was recognized first by Dr. P. Niehans, a Swiss doctor who was one of the developers of cellular therapy in the 1930’s, and subsequently by all scientific leaders of German cell therapy in the 1950’s.
For that reason, there was no concern about inability to use stem cells due to the prevailing ethical, moral, and religious attitudes in western European countries.
When human and animal stem cells are placed side-by-side, they look alike. Even most of the available cell-surface markers are the same.
The only way to tell the cells of one species from another is by their karyotype, that is, the number and shape of their chromosomes (temporary structures created from the genetic material of each cell during one short phase of cell division).
There is only one primary, biological difference between Homo sapiens and other mammals - the frontal lobe of the brain. The rest of the body of all members of the animal kingdom, including man, is the same on the cytological (cellular) level.
Human cell transplantation (allo-transplantation) is not, and will not, be better than or superior to xeno-transplantation as the therapeutic tool in human medicine until the quality of stem cell allo-transplants matches that of stem cell xenotransplants.
This would happen only if human beings were kept in closed colonies and if the unthinkable practice of euthanasia were to be permitted in the preparation of human stem cell transplants.
The main point is that animals make a much better quality and source of cells for transplants. Animal material can always be obtained “fresh” immediately after healthy vaginal delivery, meaning the cells are 100% viable and active when collected.
Can Animal Cells Transform the Worn-Out Cells of Humans?
The idea of healing with animal or human organs is as old as medical history itself. As early as 360 B.C., the Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle mentions a number of preparations consisting of animal or human organs.
Paracelsus, the best-known physician of the 16th century, postulated "heart heals heart, kidney heals kidney." Towards the end of the last century and the beginning of this century, surgeons transplanted whole glands, such as testes and ovaries.
The Russian surgeon Professor Voronoff acquired certain fame by transplanting monkey testes into elderly men. The modern treatment methods of cellular therapy were developed by the Swiss surgeon mentioned earlier in this paper, Dr. Paul Niehans.
Initially, he transplanted complete glands, then later went on to implant thin strips of glandular tissue into a muscle pocket. He logically replaced the existing method of surgically transplanting organs and partial organs with the implantation of cell and organ suspensions, which he called ‘cellular therapy’.
The advantage of this method is that the implanted cells are put in direct contact with the body fluids of the host. In this way, the host body can absorb and process the implant material faster.
The first cell implantation by Niehans, in 1931, was a convincing success. After a failed thyroid operation, Professor De Quervain referred a woman with severe cramps to Niehans, who saved her life by implanting an animal adrenal suspension.
The importance of Niehans' contribution lays not so much in the introduction of this technical modification but in the fact that he systematically implanted not only the usual glands but all the organs and tissues of the body, e.g., animal heart, liver and brain.
Niehans intuitively anticipated the scientific findings, supporting his hypotheses and put them into practice, although they were only scientifically confirmed many years later by Nobel Prize laureates (1960) Medawar and Burnet.
Well established scientific data has explained why stem cell animal transplants can be used instead of stem cell human transplants with a ’state-of-the-art’ safety.
This has been known since the late 9th century, and our entire modern cell biology is based on the fact that all eukaryotic (of mammals) cells in nature are built and function according to the same laws.
In clinical practice of stem cell transplantation, we have been dealing with eukaryotic cells only. The main cells of the same organ or tissue are the same in Nature (or nearly the same) regardless of the species of origin, i.e. corresponding cells of the identical organ of different animal species (including man) are biologically similar.
We could make a similar statement about any of approximately 200 – 220 types of cells of the human or animal body. This scientific ‘principle of organospecificity’, described in German and Russian/Soviet literature almost a century ago, is still an unknown term in US medical journals.
There are no antigenic differences between the corresponding cells of the identical organ of different animal species, including man. This is another proof of ‘organospecificity’.
All biological systems in Nature are composed of the same types of molecules. The great majority of proteins from different organisms, including man, is similar over the entire amino acid sequence.
They are homologous (the same) and, in general, carry out similar functions. Homologous proteins evolved over billions of years from a common ancestor and logically established a ‘principle of homology’.
The basic law of molecular biology, whereby DNA directs the synthesis of RNA, which in turn controls the assembly of proteins, applies to all living beings. Genetic encoding is the same in most known organisms.
Families of similar genes encode proteins with similar functions. In stem cell transplantation, it makes minimal difference whether one is dealing with xeno-transplantation or allo-transplantation when it comes to science.
However, there is an enormous difference in medical practice, since with stem cell xeno-transplantation, especially by ingestion, we can already treat hundreds of thousands of patients suffering from those life threatening diseases that cannot be cured or treated by any other therapy.
Benefits of Stem Cell Xenotransplants
- Stem cell xeno-transplants, especially indigestible, can be prepared for a nearly limitless number of people, and ultimately at low cost.
- Cell xeno-transplantation has not caused a single fatality in ~70 million patients over 80+ years or in any way jeopardized the future of mankind.
- Most researchers believe that xeno-transplantation is exceedingly unlikely to lead to the generation of new pathogens, providing that no laboratory “manipulation” is used in defiance of the laws of Nature.
The above is particularly true if the animal source of cell xeno- transplants is a domestic animal from a closed colony with a traceable record, as required by U.S. Public Health Service regulations, which are administered by the FDA.
The key premise of the U.S. PHS regulations are to increase the safety of stem cell transplants for the benefit of the recipient patient, but also to minimize or eliminate any medico-legal exposure for the treating physician, as well as the laboratory individually preparing stem cell transplants.
One of the most exciting developments in the recent history of the science of stem cell healing is the development of Zelltex™ Colloidal Water Enhancing Drops.
Zelltex™ contains so called ‘Universal Cells’, the combination of four types of pluripotent stem cells:
Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Amniotic Epithelial Cells and Endothelial Progenitor Cells, collectively producing the ‘Mother-of-all-Cells’ for total restoration and reprogramming of your body’s own stem cells, effectively making you young again over time.
Combined with essential minerals, vitamins, enzymes, proteins, amino- acids and essential oils, Zelltex™ delivers nano-particles of our proprietary blend simultaneously to all body's cells in the same way water does.
Zelltex™ Colloidal Water Enhancing Drops can be purchased at the offices of Zelltex™ Certified Health and Wellness Licensed Providers or online.
Zelltex™ Universal Cells’ initiate, promote, and guide the body’s natural healing response in every type of tissue by triggering the restoration and reprogramming of your body’s own stem cells, which – when awakened and directed – work to make you a living proof of the factory reset to the younger version of you.